Dear David,
There are some good practices around the world.
The ILO, for instance, has worked with the concept of “community contracts”, in which the local authorities provide planning, financing and technical assistance for settlements upgrading. A CBO (community-based-organization) is hired by the local authority to provide labour from the local workers – this means income for the community, with multiplier effects in the local economy. See for instance:
I will let you know if I come accross other concrete examples.
I anticipate that scholars working specifically on housing may have further examples. One of them, among others, is Ramin Keivani, who is also a member of the Urban Labour Network.
Perhaps the UN Rapporteur for Housing Rights may also have examples of good practices.
But all in all, there need to be political will from the local authorities, or/and pressure from the communities (or someone else), for the implementation of community benefits. If the Memphis local authority is not committed and has other interests, it needs to be pressured. Provision of good practices will be important, but may not be enough.
Hope this is useful. Best, Ed Werna
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