Daily Archives: June 11, 2011

From Philip Monaghan: green economy in urban areas which meet the following criteria: improve urban labour conditions, decarbonise the economy, and provide strong local governance.

I am looking for ideas on interesting case studies on the green economy in urban areas which meet the following criteria: improve urban labour conditions, decarbonise the economy, and provide strong local governance.


About Philip Monaghan:


One of my current research interests relates to a concern about the governance arrangements for big business leading major public urban infrastructure projects (e.g. rapid transport, smarts grids, water stewardship etc) – all under the green economy and CSR banners (e.g. Cisco Systems Connected Urban Development Initiative, IBM Smarter Cities Initiative etc) – but which may just mean business as usual, multi-century, monopolistic, non-decarbonised and anti-labour rights supply contracts. And especially so in a new age of austerity when cities are financially broke, but account for half the world’s population and emit 80% of the planet’s GHG emissions, and so may be entering into unhealthy deals which may undermine our social and environmental resilience for generations.